Nycander in Sweden
In the year 1980 44 persons lived in Sweden (Source the CD Swedish people 1980) with the name Nycander. Of
course several more persons are related to the first Nycander. How many
I don´t know but I will try to do a calculation later on.
The second Petrus Nycander, priest in Åland became ancestor to
several people with names like Björn, Bäckman, Enegren,
Hollberg, Nikander, Nisslé, Salonius, Sjölund, Svebilius,
Tjernetskij, Tjäder, Wahlström.
Descendants to Gustaf Fredrik Nycander, brother to Carl Nycander are
Fabritius, Hobin, Lönnblad, Nyberg, Smalén, Wallenius and
Counting from Carl Nycander (1757-1826) who had 11 children he had descendant names likes Brodén,
Dorpg, Ekman, Ekstrand, Engelhart, Engström, Forshell, Hallman,,
Hanson, Hellberg, Hellgren, Holmberg, Leyonmark, Linder, Matern,
Mellgren, Norlén, Psilander, Risberg, Rosengren, Schulz,
Soleirol, Tegnér, Tjerneld, Wahlgren and Widell.
Another man with a lot of children was Carl Magnus Nycander. At his
death in 1909 his wife and daughter gather at a photosession, see
below. There was a son Henry but he is not in this picture.
Name: Standing from left. Calla, Julia, Rea, Vera, Bertha.
Sitting from left. Anna, Bertha and Frida.
Mella was not attending the funeral living in Germany, thinking the
journey was to long. Henry was in the USA. (source Charles Soleirol de
A phothocollage made by Julia of Nycander´s in 1902. She was very interested in photography.
More photo below from my great grandmother Rea Brodéns photo album.
Bertha and Carl Magnus Nycander
Carl Magnus Nycander
Carl Magnus Nycander
Henry Nycander 1889
Anna Nycander married to Architect Victor Dorph. Their villa in Lidingö.
Ingrid Dorph with Topsy 1920