Oscar Nycander

The main source to this site is Oscar Nycander´s book about the family Nycander.

The first page look as below.


Here is a PDF-test of 2 pages:Protokollet

Here is a PDF-package page from start to 19:P-19

Here is a PDF-package page 20 to 41:P20-41

Here is the PDF-package page 42 to 59:P42-59

Here is the PDF-package page 60 to 75  pages:P60-75

Here is the  package of PDF-pages 67  to 101 pages:P76-101

The whole book is now published at Nycander.nu.

Obs! To run this Acrobat Reader is needed. You find the program at Acrobat Reader.  

Oscar has also written several other books.